Das Empfangs-/Anzeigegerät EM 1010 verfügt über einen USB-Port über welchen wir später die Messwerte auslesen und in unsere MySQL-Datenbank speichern wollen. Stecken wir die Station an, so wird uns dies im Syslog entsprechend dokumentiert:
I thought I'd kick off my Citrix blog with a question I get pretty often from Linux enthusiasts: how to install unsupported Linux distributions on XenServer 4.1.
The most common solution people find is to use the "Other Install Media" template, insert the distribution installation CD, and find that the mouse cursor doesn't work when they boot into X11. The reason for this is that they are using the hardware-assisted emulation mode of installing Linux. In this mode (dubbed "HVM"), all input and output is emulated, and in particular the mouse interface uses the USB tablet interface. If the distribution doesn't include a driver for USB tablets, then no mouse will appear.
Windows guests run at high-speed in HVM mode due to the installation of the XenServer tools which install high-speed drivers, but these are not necessary for Linux distributions since they can be run in para-virtualized mode (dubbed "PV"). This involves obtaining a Xen-enabled PV kernel from the distribution, and modifying the VM record in XenServer to boot into this kernel instead of HVM mode. The XenServer built-in templates for popular distributions such as RHEL, CentOS or SUSE Linux already automate all this and are in PV mode from the installer onwards.
To provide a service that is capable of synchronizing data between two sources without the use of a client.
This project is based on unmodified existing Funambol artifacts and is designed to be installed alongside an existing bundle installation. StS can synchronize data from and to any connector. For full compatibility and customization, the following requirements must be met by a connector.
* All source-specific configuration parameters should be configurable at a granularity of username. (Example: the remote URI of a caldav server should be able to be different for different users).
* All user-specific authentication parameters should support one level of indirection. (Example: for an account in Funambol with username 'A' and password 'B', authentication against a remote data source should be done with username 'C' and password 'D')
* All user-specific configuration parameters should be configurable through a webservice packaged with the connector.
* No dependencies on any configuration files in the default Funambol configuration. Custom User Managers and Officers often have dependencies on these configuration files, but these are easily broken.