Is the attempt to combine large scalable realtime conferencing and multicast streaming
with zeroconfiguration ad-hoc routing to provide a new user experience for collaboration ,
application sharing ,entertainment , and knowledge exchange.
How to download/save/capture/record streaming Windows Media, Real Media, Real Video, Real Audio, Quick Time Videos (.asf, .wmv, .wma, .asx, .wmx, .wvx, .wax, .ra, .rm, .rmvb, .ram, .smil, .mp3) [rtsp, http or mms protocols].
Using 22,000 cards over 3 days, record-holding card stacker Bryan Berg builds the Rhode Island State House, home of Brotherhood, Sundays at 10PM ET/PT only on Showtime. Visit for more about Brotherhood.
Bryan Berg broke the Guinness World Record for the World's Tallest House of Cards in 1992 at the age of seventeen, with a tower fourteen feet, six inches tall. His latest record-holding structure in the category is over twenty-five feet tall.
n diesem lehrreichen Video lässt ein Mann mal Dampf ab und spricht ganz offen einen besonderen Missstand an: Den Pointen-Klau beim Witze erzählen! Besonders in Partnerschaften kann dies schnell zu Spannungen führen. Aber zum Glück zeigt das Video auch Lösungsansätze auf.