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A design persona has nine parts; Products are people, too. | 10 Steps to Personas:
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Präsentation auf einem virtuellen, unendlich großen Blatt Papier, auf dem man sich durch Maussteuerung bewegen sowie hinein- und heraus zoomen kann
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Researchers believe that comparing products, rather than rating them on an absolute scale, will lead to algorithms that better predict customers’ preferences. -----------------
Das funktioniert recht gut mit Skype + TightVNC. Es ersetzt zwar kein Face-To-Face-Pairing, kann es aber irgendwo kompensieren, wenn es fehlt. U.a. für Ferndiagnosen, Ferntraining, ...
Checklists, Important Considerations for Test Automation, Test Plan Sample & FAQ, Classification of Errors by Severity, What is Software Testing?, Load & Stress Testing of Websites, Outsourced Testing, ...
"a good database for people who want to try learning techniques and pattern recognition methods on real-world data while spending minimal efforts on preprocessing and formatting"
"The primary goal is to offer a place for Software Process Engineers (Architects of the development process) to obtain and offer ideas about the role of software Process Engineering. What works and what doesn't."
"There are many Usability Experts who want to contribute to software projects. And there are many Developers who want to make their software more usable, and as a consequence, more successful."