This tool is designed to beautify PHP code, applying most of the PEAR standard requirements to it. It can even process really scrambled scripts, e.g. all code in one line, and thus may help you to get scripts into a more readable form.
There has been a great deal of interest in closures lately, driven in great part by the fact that there is talk of adding some form of anonymous functions to the Java. Most of the time, people talk about “adding closures” to Java, and that prompts a flurry of questions of the form “what is a closure and why should I care?”
The lucky kids of JavaSchools are never going to get weird segfaults trying to implement pointer-based hash tables. They're never going to go stark, raving mad trying to pack things into bits. They'll never have to get their head around how, in a purely functional program, the value of a variable never changes.
T. Omori, and K. Maruyama. MSR '08: Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Mining software repositories, page 31--34. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (May 2008)