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    In 2009, Web analytics managers have a multitude of different tools to select to deploy at their corporation.  Sets of tools from industry leaders, such as Omniture, WebTrends, Unica, CoreMetrics , Google, and Yahoo, are among the most popular, while options from smaller players like ClickTracks and Woopra exist as well.  In theory, you deploy a tool, customize it to fit your needs, and start analyzing the reports — and it all goes swimmingly, right? Then why have many corporations already chewed through two, maybe even three tools over the last several years, or deployed multiple tools in an attempt to arrive at where they need to be — delivering comprehensive and systematic analysis to their business community, helping to drive action from insight and taking the mantra of “competing on analytics” and “data driven culture” to the next level?  Several factors cause disconnects between the promise of a tool and the successful use of a tool, which cause a tool to fail:
    16 years ago by @cschie
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