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    PierCMS content management system that aims at allowing users to manage their content from the browser. The central concept in Pier is the one of Structure. For example, the current page is a structure. The blog is also a structure, but it is slightly different than a page. A file is also a structure. Commands can be executed on a Structure. For example, a Structure can be edited, and once in edit mode, you can use the Pier syntax. In the original setup the commands appear in the footer, and are accessible after logging in. To make life easier, Pier also offers access to commands via Browser shortcuts. Any Structure can be Viewed. The default View is the one that renders the structure for normal usage. Another example, is the Browse View which offers a file system like view on the Pier structures. Any Structure has an environment which defines the template. To set the environment to be a different page use the Settings command. To edit the environment use the Edit Design comman
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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