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    Coq'Art is the familiar name for the first book on the Coq proof assistant and its underlying theory the Calculus of Inductive Constructions , written by Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran. Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions Series: Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series Bertot, Yves, Castéran, Pierre 2004, XXV, 469 p., Hardcover ISBN: 3-540-20854-2 This site has been updated for Coq8.2. Warning! Some solutions we propose don't work on versions prior to V8.2gamma. Please find here a tar file fully compatible with coq8.1pl3 and the printed edition of the book. These exercises were written after the release of the book (May 2004). The solution of some of them (e.g. mergesort ) illustrates new features of Coq. For instance, command Function and tactic functional induction.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    is an extension to MetaOCaml with indexed types. Indexed types allow the programmer to express nested polymorphism as well as complex functional dependencies at the level of types. Small number of extensions to the term and type language are needed to give the user full access to the powerful Coq proof checker at the level of types. With these extensions, datatypes can be defined that reflect the size of a list or a vector in its type. Because Coq is one of the most expressive checkers available, any fact that can be proved in Coq can be used to give more refined types to programs. Because Coq propositions can be viewed as types, Concoqtion provides a natural way to incorporate formal verification techniques into programming practice. * Related Systems: Epigram, Cayenne, ATS, Omega, Elf and Twelf, RSP, DML, Harper and Licata's extension to DML, Lightwight dependent types, Attractive types, First Class Phantom Types, GADTs for Object-oriented languages, Scala
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

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