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    In our professional software development, we have focused on finding ways to help developers work more effectively. Despite the range of programming languages available today, we are still limited by them. It makes sense to extend the existing languages to create more domain-oriented ones, which allow writing programs on a higher level and in a manner that is more natural to each domain. With an instrument that allows creating language constructs as simple as creating classes or methods is in a conventional language, you can significantly change the way you develop software. This new style of programming, when you create specialized languages, use them to develop software, and extend them when and how required, is called Language Oriented Programming (LOP). MPS Story Meta Programming System started in 2003 as a research project. In 2004, its underlying concepts were described in the Language Oriented Programming article.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    Jaskell is a functional scripting programming language that runs in JVM. The name "Jaskell" stands for Java-Haskell, but it is not haskell 1. Most of the current scripting languages are Object-Oriented. Though they more or less have functional tastes (Ruby's sexy closure, for example), the heart of them are still Object-Oriented. One of the most important essenses of functional programming (combinators) is yet to be brought into Java. 2. Jaskell brings with it higher order function, function currying, pattern match and monadic combinator support. 3. Monadic combinator is ideal for designing Domain Specific Language. It is relatively easy to tailor Jaskell runtime to make domain specific syntax look like simple atomic statements. See Neptune for a real example. 4. Jaskell is nothing but a Java library that passes Java objects in and out of the interpreter.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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