Lesezeichen  1


    * Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types. SPJ, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and MS. in JFP. * Lexically-scoped type variables. SPJ MS. Unpublished. * First-class modules for Haskell. MS SPJ. In FOOL 9. * Object-Oriented style overloading for Haskell. MS SPJ. In BABEL'01. * Static types for dynamic documents. MS. PhD Thesis. * Type-Indexed Rows. MS and Erik Meijer. In POPL'01. * XMLambda: A functional programming language for constructing and manipulating XML documents. Erik Meijer and MS. Unpublished. * Implicit parameters: Dynamic scoping with static types. Jeffrey Lewis, MS, Erik Meijer and John Launchbury. In POPL'00. * Dynamic typing as staged type inference. MS, Tim Sheard and SPJ. In POPL'98. * Bridging the gulf: A common intermediate language for ML and Haskell. SPJ, John Launchbury, MS In POPL'98.
    vor 13 Jahren von @draganigajic
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