This is the Watson Web interface for searching ontologies and semantic documents using keywords. This interface is subject to frequent evolutions and improvements. If you want to share your opinion, suggest improvement or comment on the results, don't hesitate to contact us... At the moment, you can enter a set of keywords (e.g. "cat dog old_lady"), and obtain a list of URIs of semantic documents in which the keywords appear as identifiers or in literals of classes, properties, and individuals. You can also use "jokers" in the keywords (e.g., "ca? dog*"). Navigation in the results follows very simple principles. First, whenever a sign appears, it can be used to display additional information about the element it is attached with. Second, every URI is clickable. A URI is a link to a page describing either the entity or the semantic document it corresponds to, and gives access to additional functionalities using this particular entity or document.
Inspired by Yahoo's Pipes, DERI Web Data Pipes implement a generalization which can also deal with formats such as RDF (RDFa), Microformats and generic XML. It is OSS DERI Pipes provides a rich web GUI where pipes can be graphically edited, debugged and invoked. The execution engine is also available as a standalone JAR, which is ideal for embedded use. DERI Pipes, in general, produce as an output streams of data (e.g. XML, RDF,JSON) that can be used by applications. However, when invoked by a normal browser, they will provide a end user GUI for the user to enter parameter values and browse the results