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jose emilio labra gayo This page collects my personal links in the field of Programming Languages. At first, it was devoted to functional programming. Now, I am very interested in the expressiveness of programming languages in general. With the term advanced I mean that it is oriented to researchers on programming languages .
emir burak scala.xml (draft book, updated for Scala 2.6.1) I. Semistructured Syntax and Data 1. Introduction XML, Types and Objects 2. The scala.xml API Nodes and Attributes Elements and Text Embedded expressions Other nodes Matching XML Updates and Queries Names and Namespaces Sharing namespace nodes 3. XPath projection 4. XSLT style transformations 5. XQuery style querying 6. Loading and Saving XML The native Scala parser Pull parsing (experimental) II. Library 7. Overview 8. scala.xml runtime classes 9. Scala's XML syntax, formally 10. Interpretation of XML expressions and patterns
The most important ways to use findlib Findlib and the toploop For a number of platforms, O'Caml can load bytecode-compiled libraries dynamically. For these platforms, findlib is very simple to use as explained in the following. For other platforms, see the paragraph below about "custom toploops". After the toploop has been started, it is possible to load the special findlib support:[1] Findlib takes care to load packages that are required by loaded packages first. For example, "netstring" uses "unix" and "str" internally, but you do not need to load them because findlib does it for you. In this example you can also see that findlib loads netstring_top.cmo containing printers for the toploop.