Idee und Umsetzung: Ozan Halici & Jürgen Mayer. 2007.
Bachelorarbeit an der Hochschule Ulm, Studiengang Digital Media. Inspiriert durch "What Barry Says" von Simon Robson und "The Google Story" von David A. Vise. - "Master Plan, a short movie about the power of Google, is created with 2D and 3D animation and provides information about Googles services and its research in genetics and molecular biology."
Autor: Ryan Tate. - Anlass des Blogposts ist ein Interview von Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, am 3. Dez. 2009 im amerik. Fernsehsender CNBC (mit Video-Ausschnitt des Interviews!). Schmidt: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
"In 2002, the non-profit group Public Information Research launched a website known as Google Watch, which advertised itself as "a look at Google's monopoly, algorithms, and privacy issues."" ( [17.12.10]
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