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    The Smart Grids Innovation Accelerator (SGIA) Platform has been launched in the frame of IC1 strong commitment to involve the private sector in line with the Mission Innovation approach. The SGIA platform serves as a suitable tool to enable the sharing of technical results and best practices, catalysing the public and private sectors joint efforts towards IC1 the goals of accelerate the development and deployment of innovative smart grids technologies worldwide. SGIA covers not only technological but also policy & regulatory and financial aspects, involving all relevant stakeholders. We believe that the SGIA platform allows to: Foster and accelerate the smart grids deployment through the implementation of clean and sustainable energy technologies, leveraging on pilot project results and best practices to be shared with all IC1 stakeholders, thus promoting their replication and broad adoption. Enlarge the Public Private Collaboration (PPC) creating a favourable framework to launch feasible projects/initiatives. Identify innovative enabling technologies and business models to plan for the long term investments needed to allow the smart grids full development and deployment. The SGIA platform gathers key documents, information, data, tools, best practices and project results in the field of smart grids, with the specific aim to be replicated and adopted broadly.
    3 years ago by @eneabio
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