Want to implement learning analytics for your eLearning courses, but don’t know where and how to start? This blog tries to answer all your questions on learning analytics.
CommLab India | January 27 2022
This event provides a range of presentations and discussion sessions as well as an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics developments and other data products and services.
The purpose of the Expertise Connections sessions was for participants to learn something about a topic where they are not experts. Community members with expertise (1) shared information and examples with participants who wanted to learn more about the topic, (2) provided a forum for participants to discuss how they might incorporate the topic into their work, and (3) brokered connections between community members who are interested in a topic.
This event took place on 21 April 2021.
These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions and are an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions.
This one-day, international symposium aims to unravel some of the mystery around interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. It builds on the success of the Creativity, Learning, and Technology symposium held in Geneva, December 2017. Participants are local and international experts working within the field. They will share their knowledge regarding recent developments in this exciting area of research and engage in discussions about future directions.
Klar ist für uns: 2020 sollte nicht nur als Jahr der Krise, sondern auch als Jahr der Bildungsinnovation in Erinnerung bleiben. Mit dem ersten Newsletter des KI-Campus möchten wir gerne darauf zurückblicken und auch einen gemeinsamen Ausblick wagen.
Learning analytics has the potential to assist instructors in the development of personalized learning at scale and to contribute to more equitable and socially just academic outcomes.
Jisc has been supporting seven research projects in learning analytics at UK universities over the past year. These have been in the areas of curriculum analytics, mental health and wellbeing and the evaluation of institutional learning analytics projects.Join us to hear the projects present their interesting findings.
La Journée Thématique (JT) du CUME portant sur les Learning Analytics ou Traces d’apprentissage, a eu lieu le 10 octobre 2019, à la Maison des Universités à Paris
IRU publications set out the need for change in response to major issues affecting higher education. The IRU provides a set of considered actions in response for government, public and universities to take up.
The 2019 Association for Learning Technology awards took place on Wednesday 4th September with the SHEILA project receiving the ALT 2019 research project award.
fter a fruitful collaboration between the different partners, the Erasmus+ project “Supporting Higher Education to Incorporate Learning Analytics” (SHEILA) concluded in September 2018. The project aimed to build a policy development framework that supports systematic, sustainable, and responsible adoption of learning analytics (LA) at institutional level.
An simple introduction to Python dash framework with examples which will show how to write your first dash application, add css and event handling. Also, how to add file upload feature.
The ASCILITE Learning Analytics Special Interest Group (LA-SIG) aims to develop awareness and resources about Learning Analytics (LA) and its application to learning and teaching. We focus on facilitating networks and sharing practices among the LA community across Australia and New Zealand.
Welcome to the “Crowd Layers” dashboard, a public service for Capturing and Reporting Open Web Data for Learning Analytics, Annotation, and Education Researchers (CROWDLAAERS). This real-time dashboard visualizes group – or crowd – discourse layers added via Hypothesis open web annotation to online documents.
Learning Analytics seems to be the hot topic in L&D in 2019. Practitioners know they need help with this, but if you lack confidence and skill in analytics, where do you start?
Hello! I’m Shibani, a Researcher and Doctoral candidate in Learning Analytics at the Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.