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    Purpose - Most studies pertaining to social tagging focus on one platform or platform type, thus limiting the scope of their findings. The purpose of this paper is to explore social tagging practices across four platforms in relation to cultural products associated with the book Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming. Design/methodology/approach - A layered and nested case study approach was used to analyse data from four online platforms: Goodreads,, WordPress, and public library social discovery platforms. The top-level case study focuses on the book Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming and its derivative products. The analysis of tagging practices in each of the four online platforms is nested within the top-level case study. Casino Royale was conceptualized as a cultural product (the book), its derived products (e.g. movies, theme songs), as well as a keyword in blogs. A qualitative, inductive, and context-specific approach was chosen to identify commonalities in tagging practices across platforms whilst taking into account the uniqueness of each platform. Findings - The four platforms comprise different communities of users, each platform with its own cultural norms and tagging practices. Traditional access points in the library catalogues focused on the subject, location, and fictitious characters of the book. User-generated content across the four platforms emphasized historical events and periods related to the book, and highlighted more subjective access points, such as recommendations, tone, mood, reaction, and reading experience. Revealing shifts occur in the tags between the original book and its cultural derivatives: Goodreads and library catalogues focus almost exclusively on the book, while Last. fm and WordPress make in addition cross-references to a wider range of different cultural products, including books, movies, and music. The analyses also yield apparent similarities in certain platforms, such as recurring terms, phrasing and composite or multifaceted tags, as well as a strong presence of genre-related terms for the book and music. Originality/value - The layered and nested case study approach presents a more comprehensive theoretical viewpoint and methodological framework by which to explore the study of user-generated metadata pertaining to a range of related cultural products across a variety of online platforms.
    2 years ago by @evangelineamari

    Goodreads is an Amazon-owned book-based social web site for members to share books, read, review books, rate books, and connect with other readers. Goodreads has tens of millions of book reviews, recommendations, and ratings that may help librarians and readers to select relevant books. This article describes a first investigation of the properties of Goodreads users, using a random sample of 50,000 members. The results suggest that about three quarters of members with a public profile are female, and that there is little difference between male and female users in patterns of behavior, except for females registering more books and rating them less positively. Goodreads librarians and super-users engage extensively with most features of the site. The absence of strong correlations between book-based and social usage statistics (e.g., numbers of friends, followers, books, reviews, and ratings) suggests that members choose their own individual balance of social and book activities and rarely ignore one at the expense of the other. Goodreads is therefore neither primarily a book-based website nor primarily a social network site but is a genuine hybrid, social navigation site.
    2 years ago by @evangelineamari

    Pristupe sadržajnom označivanju možemo podijeliti na objektivne i subjektivne, gdje je objektivan usmjeren na opis dokumenta, a subjektivan na zadovoljavanje potreba korisnika. Rad proučava ova dva stajališta, koja se često navode i kao komplementarna, kroz usporedbu označivanja beletristike u katalogu Knjižnica grada Zagreba te korisničkog označivanja na najpopularnijoj mreži za društveno katalogiziranje, Goodreads. Budući da katalog koristi slobodno formirane predmetne odrednice kao način osiguravanja pristupa građi kroz pregledavanje (eng. browsing), rad ne proučava klasičnu opreku između kontroliranih i prirodnih jezika koja upotpunjuje dvije paradigme označivanja. Stoga se sadržajno označivanje promatra kroz označivanje prirodnim jezikom, koju karakteriziraju prednosti poput kreativnosti i slobode izražavanja, te nedostatci kao što su nedosljednost i semantička i morfološka nečistoća. Istraživanje proučava označivanje na katalogu te folksonomije djela na društvenoj mreži kroz fokus na strukturu i sadržaj odrednica i oznaka, posebice njihovog žanrovskog određenja, te ih uspoređuje kako bi se došlo do zaključka o sposobnosti stručnjaka da obuhvati cjelovitost sadržaja koji korisnici pronalaze značajnim u djelima.
    2 years ago by @evangelineamari
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