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    XML-based IUPAC Standard for Experimental and Critically Evaluated Thermodynamic Property Data Storage and Capture
    13 лет назад , @fairybasslet

    Establishment of efficient means for thermodynamic data communications is absolutely critical for provision of solutions to such technological challenges as elimination of data processing redundancies and data collection process duplication, creation of comprehensive data storage facilities, and rapid data propagation from the measurement to data management system and from the data management system to engineering applications. Taking this into account, IUPAC established a Task Group to develop a standard for thermophysical and thermochemical data communications based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) technnology. This effort was led by the Thermodynamics Research Center of the Thermophysical Properties Division. ThermoML is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based new IUPAC standard for storage and exchange of experimental, predicted, and critically evaluated thermophysical and thermochemical property data. ThermoML covers essentially all thermodynamic and transport property data (more than 120 properties) for pure compounds, multicomponent mixtures, and chemical reactions (including change-of-state and equilibrium reactions). Representations of all quantities related to the expression of uncertainty in ThermoML conform to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). The ThermoMLEquation schema for representation of fitted equations with ThermoML has been described in the literature with supporting information including specific formulations for several equations commonly used in the representation of thermodynamic and thermophysical properties. The role of ThermoML in global data communication processes has become prominent. The text of a variety of data files (use cases) illustrating the ThermoML format for pure compounds, mixtures, and chemical reactions, as well as the complete ThermoML schema text, have also been described in the literature.
    13 лет назад , @fairybasslet
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