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    I pass on to MSS. of the Vetus Interpres. MS. Phillipps 891 (z) is a parchment MS. in quarto form, containing the translation of the Politics together with that of the Oeconomics and an un- finished fragment of the commencement of the translation of the Rhetoric, and written at Zara in Dalmatia' in the year 1393- This appears from the following inscription on a blank page at its com- mencement, which is in the same handwriting as the MS. : — Lzier polUicorum et yconomicorum Arisiotelis in hoc volumine depuiatur (deo volente) adusum met Jacobini quondam \^=condam\ Alberti de mqyn- itbus ( may?ienttbus=^di€i Maynenti) de Vic. [Vincentia or Vi- ««//«= Vicenza] quern scripsi in civitate Jadre 1393 cum ibi forem ab illius civiiatis communitale pro fisico opere fnedicine salariatus et habitus. Laus et honor deo.
    14 years ago by @filologanoga
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