Cardboard craft furniture, decorations, and even "pepakura" -- or cardboard armor for cosplay events --can be preserved by hardening your cardboard projects. There are a few methods available to accomplish this: Create a shiny surface thorough the application of PVA glue -- basically white "school"
C. Schindler. Abstract on internet, (2009)Abstracts of the Fourteenth International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, 2–7 August 2009 in Uppsala, Sweden..
I. Kurelac. (travanj 2008)Izlaganje na znanstvenom skupu "Colloquium Marulianum XVIII: epistolografija hrvatskoga humanizma i renesanse", Split, 21. i 22. travnja 2008..
J. Leunclavius. Wechelus, Francofurti, (1591)Navodno koristio codex Verantius (Saad-ed-din): Enthält neben anderem wie (II) die Chronik des Sa'd-ed-din, allerdings „nach dem sogenannten Codex Verantius, also vollständigerer Text als in der Ausgabe von 1588” (Goellner 1876, cf.
V. et. al. Mirko Androić. Zrinski, Zagreb ; Varaždin, (1972)NSK Otvoreni pristup 3 / Signatura: 949.75-2 V288
Broj primjeraka: 2 / Status: Nije posuđeno
Skrlec s. 120, 288.
I. Erceg. Povijesni arhiv, Osijek, (1996)Materijalni opis: 213 str. ; 24 cm
Ostali autori: Rišner, Željko; Sertić, Zlata
Lokacija: NSK Otvoreni pristup 3
Signatura: 330-05 A199e
Broj primjeraka: 3
ISBN: 953-6446-03-0.
N. Aksulu. Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik Heinz, Stuttgart, (2005)ISBN 3-88099-422-6; 264 S. : Ill. ; 21 cm, 390 gr.; Literaturverz.
S. 259 - 264.