1.° Joannis de Ravenna dragmalogia, sive dramatologia ; id est, dialogus Venetum inter et Paduanum de eligibili vitae genere. — 2.° Ejusdem conventio podagram inter et araneam. — 3.° Liber rerum memorandarum : authore eodem. — 4.° Historia Ragusii : eodem authore. — 5.° Historia familiae Carrariensis : eodem authore. -- 1404 -- manuscrits
Title : 1.° Joannis de Ravenna dragmalogia, sive dramatologia ; id est, dialogus Venetum inter et Paduanum de eligibili vitae genere. — 2.° Ejusdem conventio podagram inter et araneam. — 3.° Liber rerum memorandarum : authore eodem. — 4.° Historia Ragusii : eodem authore. — 5.° Historia familiae Carrariensis : eodem authore.
Publication date : 1404
Relationship : http://archivesetmanuscrits.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cc655944
Type : manuscript
Language : latin
Format : Parchemin
Description : Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.
Rights : Public domain
Identifier : ark:/12148/btv1b9076640p
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits. Latin 6494
Joannes Hungariae rex Paulo Casali Komam significat quid egerit in christianae reipublicae emolumentum, quod restituerit episcopo sirmiensi quaedam oppida; per Tranquillum Andronicum a Turcarum rege impetraverit partem Transylvaniae, Moldaviam et Valachiam ab armis infidelium liberari. Rogat ut fratri Gregorio Casali grates agat quod impigre et intrepide negotia hungarica apud pontificem commendaverit, ac urget ut cardinalibus quoque eum commendatum habeat, ulterius pro ecclesiae et christianae reipublica# emolumento se acturum spondens. (I. VII, 473, p. 228—229.)
Inc.: „Dedimus his diebus ad vos litteras referentes nos in iis que scripsit ad nos fidelis noster reverendus sirmiensis . . . Ex cenobio heremitarum prope Albam Juliam transylvanam, 9 octobris, 1531." 940.
Kako je pismo, namijenjeno meni, dospjelo do Vinka Nikolića, dužnosnika u promidžbenim službama ustaškog pokreta i oružanim snagama NDH do 1945. i urednika ‘Hrvatske revije’ u emigraciji? I zašto ga je pola stoljeća držao u svojoj arhivi, a meni nikad nije ni spomenuo da ga posjeduje?
In genere, un fascicolo è costituito da più bifogli (secondo la nomenclatura che qui si utilizza; in alcuni Paesi sono detti “fogli”): il numero più frequente è 4 e il fascicolo viene detto quaternione: 4 bifogli (o “fogli”) = 8 fogli (o “carte”) = 16 pagine, ma spesso il fascicolo è composto da 5 bifogli (quinione); nel basso Medioevo e nel Rinascimento è frequente anche il senione (6 bifogli). I bifogli sono inseriti l'uno nell'altro.
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Read the 300 Tang poems collection, in Chinese and with Witter Bynner's translation. Characters are linked to dictionnaries. / Lire la compilation des trois cents po�mes Tang, en version originale et avec la traduction anglaise de Witter Bynner.
U Pravilniku o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja (»Narodne novine« broj 84/05, 100/06, 138/06, 120/07, 71/10 i 116/10) u članku 1. pod naslovom 6. HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI u podnaslovu »OPĆA NAČELA – ELEMENTI ZA FORMULU VRIJEDNOSTI (ILI ISTOVRIJEDNOSTI) U BODOVIMA«, ispod teksta »Popis kategoriziranih domaćih časopisa koji se uzimaju u obzir pri vrednovanju radova za izbor u znanstvena zvanja iz područja humanističkih znanosti« mijenja se tekst koji sada glasi:
Simple bash example to store the output of a MySQL query in an array: dbquery=$(mysql -u username -p password -e "use table; select field from table;") array=( $( for i in $dbquery ; do echo $i ; done ) )...
<<Bernardini de Fra[n]gepanibus Comitis Segniae, Vegliae, Modrusijq[ue] &c.>> Oratio pro Croatia, Nürenbergae in Senatu Principu[m] Germaniae habita, Xiij. Cal. Decemb. An. Ch. M.D.XXij.: Excidium veluti Romanae Maximus vrbi Auertit Patriae sic iuga dira Comes. R. Sbrulius ([4] Bl.)
[S.l. Nürnberg]: [s.i.n. Friedrich Peypus]; 1522
<oXygen/> is a complete cross platform XML editor providing the tools for XML authoring, XML conversion, XML Schema, DTD, Relax NG and Schematron development, XPath, XSLT, XQuery debugging, SOAP and WSDL testing.
The amount and value of researchers’ peer review work is critical for academia and journal publishing. However, this labor is under-recognized, its magnitude is unknown, and alternative ways of organizing peer review labor are rarely considered. Using publicly available data, we provide an estimate of researchers’ time and the salary-based contribution to the journal peer review system. We found that the total time reviewers globally worked on peer reviews was over 100 million hours in 2020, equivalent to over 15 thousand years. The estimated monetary value of the time US-based reviewers spent on reviews was over 1.5 billion USD in 2020. For China-based reviewers, the estimate is over 600 million USD, and for UK-based, close to 400 million USD. By design, our results are very likely to be under-estimates as they reflect only a portion of the total number of journals worldwide. The numbers highlight the enormous amount of work and time that researchers provide to the publication system, and the importance of considering alternative ways of structuring, and paying for, peer review. We foster this process by discussing some alternative models that aim to boost the benefits of peer review, thus improving its cost-benefit ratio.
[Internet Archive June 23, 2012] Any set of statistics about word frequencies in Latin will inevitably be, in the absence of a survey covering all classical texts (however one might define "classical" or "text"), a function of the specific works and passages chosen for the database. This collection is drawn from two word counts made much earlier in this century...
This tutorial gives a high-level introduction to the XQuery language by presenting a series of examples, each of which illustrates an important feature of the language.
WORDS Version 1.97FC - A free program to download for the PC - Updated December 2006 - 39000 dictionary entries Inputing any Latin word returns the morphology, dictionary form, and meaning. Inputing English returns corresponding Latin. Large classical dictionary, plus medieval and modern.
We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into...
Latin language and its vicinities. Various aspects of the ancient language's impact on modern culture: Latin quotes, sayings, aphorisms, book reviews, Latin motto generator, ideas for personalized engravings. Additional materials for learning Latin (Classical and Ecclesiastical), as well as Greek and Romance languages.
R. Bošković. (1757)digitalne fotografije izvornog otiska. Tekst ima
više autora: Zanotti, Francesco Maria; Zanotti,
Eustachio; Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe..
D. Novaković. Guerra e pace nel pensiero del Rinascimento: atti del XV convegno internazionale (Chianciano-Pienza, 14 - 17 luglio 2003), стр. 493-506. Firenza, (2005)