Open source tools have recently reached a level of maturity which makes them suitable for building large-scale real-world systems. At the same time, the field of machine learning has developed a large body of powerful learning algorithms for a wide[...]
Want to write shorter, cleaner code? Have an unfortunate situation where you need to fit as much as you can in one expression? Prefer a quick dose of hacks to spending the rest of your life reading the docs? You've come to the right place.
You've built a vibrant community of Family Guy enthusiasts. The SVD recommendation algorithm took your site to the next level by allowing you to leverage the implicit knowledge of your community. But now you're ready for the next iteration - you are about
Welcome to LiteratePrograms! LiteratePrograms is a unique wiki where every article is simultaneously a document and a piece of code that you can view, download, compile, and run by simply using the "download code" tab at the top of every article. See Inse
I'd been planning to add full-text search capabilities to FastRI from the beginning, and in Ruby-land "full-text" means Ferret. But I wanted to keep dependencies to a minimum, as FastRI could someday aspire to replace parts of the agonizing ri in the stdl