I have been thinking much about Metaprogramming lately. I have come to the conclusion that I would like to see more examples and explanations of these techniques. For good or bad, metaprogramming has entered the Ruby community as the standard way of accom
Yesterday I was glancing Douglas Bowman’s Photo gallery and a fun idea came to me. Inspired by using photo slides on a light table, Douglas employs a unified theme and feel across his gallery. Kindly he released the theme free for use and is available f
Lets imagine that you have a list view of some data which takes a long time to generate, one second or so to suck the data from the database. This is unreasonable for a site of any proportion, and you certainly don’t want to re-run query every time some
I get a lot of emails about packing and distributing Rails applications with Tar2RubyScript and RubyScript2Exe. It obviously wasn't easy to come up with the steps that have to be taken to transform a Rails application into a standalone application. Since
ailStat is a real-time web site statistics package which uses Ruby on Rails web application framework. It is based on ShortStat and Pathstats packages.