DocBook This tutorial explains how to write DocBook files in Eclipse and how to convert these files into various output formats, e.g., to HTML and PDF. It also explains how to configure XInclude to divide the information into different source files. This tutorial uses Docbook 4.5, the Saxon XLST processor in version 6.5.5, Eclipse 4.3 and the XLST stylesheets in version 1.77.1.
You want to make a Subversion branch, and merge it later. You read the branching section in the official book, but are still confused. What to do? creating the branch 1. Note the current head revision: svn info svn:// | grep Revision 2. Make a clean, remote copy of trunk into the branches folder. Name…
Der Begriff "Open Access" steht für freien Zugang zu Studienergebnissen und die Demokratisierung der Wissenschaft. Viele derartiger Zeitschriften verzichten aber offenbar auf die Kontrolle der eingereichten Artikel. Eine frei erfundene Studie wäre zigfach abgedruckt worden.
Android-ViewPagerIndicator - Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Åkerfeldt's ViewFlow.
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