Cortar o bife em filetes finos. Espelhe generosamente em um dos lados dos filetes mostarda a gosto. Acrescente o bacon, cebola e pickles em fatias. Enrole os bifes e prenda com palitos. Aqueça uma panela com as duas colheres de manteiga, espere derreter. Acrescente as carnes enroladas, espere até dourar. Adicione a água e o caldo de carne. Cozinhe por uma hora.
Greek cuisine: In a small bowl, mix together the garlic, cinnamon, cloves, salt and pepper. Make frequent deep slits around the meat and fill them with some of the garlic mixture, pressing it down inside the meat until it is all used up.
Butter an orthogonal pan and place the eggplant slices. Boil the tomato paste with the onions for a while. Then, pour the tomato mixture on top of the eggplant slices. Preheat the oven in 200 degrees C and bake for 45 minutes.
Delicious Makaronia Sto Fourno recipe - Greek Cuisine: In a greased casserole (youvetsi) put the macaroni in layers with one cup of the cheese. Pour over sauce. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake in a hot oven for 30 minutes.
Delicious Hazelnut Spritz recipe - German Cuisine... While the cookies bake, combine the chocolate chips and cream in a small glass bowl. Microwave at high power 1 minute at a time, or place over simmering water, stirring until melted. Dip cooled cookies in the chocolate so that ends are coated by 1/2 inch. Place on the parchment or on waxed paper to harden.