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    TweetBrain is a crowdsourcing service powered by the Twitter community. It enables you to get a best answer or a solution to your question rapidly. Why? TweetBrain enpowers you to tap into the brains of millions of Twitter users, well beyond your followers. With their awesome collective intelligence, no questions are too difficult to answer. * Need a suggestion for your project? * Want a cool name for your startup? * Wish more people to know of your business? How? Just post your questions. Once posted, other than your followers, many other Twitter users can see them on TweetBrain too. The resulted "network effect" highly enhances the possibility of quickly yielding a best answer for you. TweetBrain also provides a public voting system that helps you choose the best answer to your question. Should you decide to make your question a contest by putting up a reward, TweetBrain has an integrated micropayment system to make it a fun and rewarding experience for both Questioners and Answerers.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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