Apache MyFaces Orchestra aims to provide a simple way to combine a web-framework with a persistence layer. Typically, an Apache MyFaces Orchestra stack might combine JavaServer Faces, Spring and a JPA implementation like Toplink, Hibernate, etc.
The underlying idea is to provide long persistence sessions to the web-developer - this is done by associating these sessions with a conversational context.
The conversational context is opened when the bean configured for this context is first loaded. It can be manually closed by the programmer, plus a time-out can be configured as a global parameter.
this module makes the integration of spring-annotation and JSF really easy.
* It registers automatically a VariableResolver in the JSF stack to enable the use of the spring beans as managed beans
* it adds 2 (two) more scopes to spring framework: flash and conversation
* it registers a navigation handler in the JSF stack to enable you to write less code
* it adds some annotations to make it easier to write JSF code
SpringSource Application Platform is a completely module-based Java application server that is designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a new degree of flexibility and reliability. The SpringSource Application Platform is based on the new SpringSource Dynamic Module Kernel™ (dm-Kernel). The dm-Kernel provides a module-based backbone for the server, which also harnesses the power of Spring, Apache Tomcat and OSGi-based technologies
The "Clustered Remoting For Spring Framework" (or Cluster4Spring) is alternative implementation of remoting subsystem included into Spring framework.
Clustered remoting scheme
While implementation of remoting in Spring is great, it has several limitations that are quite important and must be taken into consideration when building large enterprise-level distributed system.
Briefly, these limitations relate to the point-to-point model of remoting supported by Spring - generally speaking, the client may use only one instance of remote service. It is obvious that having only such a scheme of remoting, it is hard to develop fault-tolerant systems and implement some kinds of load balancing.
Another feature, which is currently missing in remoting subsystem offered by Spring framework, is lack of the ability to dynamically discover remote services.
The main purpose of Cluster4Spring is to extend remoting system of Spring framework and overcome limitations mentioned above.
EasyBeans is an open-source Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) container hosted by the OW2 consortium. The License used by EasyBeans is the LGPL.
EasyBeans main goal is to ease the development of Enterprise Java Beans. It uses some new architecture design like the bytecode injection (with ASM ObjectWeb tool), IoC, POJO and can be embedded in OSGi bundles or other frameworks (Spring, Eclipse plugins, etc.).
It aims to provide an EJB3 container as specified in the Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) in its fifth version. It means that Session beans (Stateless or Stateful), Message Driven Beans (MDB) are available on EasyBeans.
The new persistence layer used by EJB 3.0 is now called Java Persistence API (or JPA). It replaces the CMP (Container Managed Persistence) model used by EJB 2.x. The default persistence provider used in EasyBeans is Hibernate Entity Manager or Apache OpenJPA but other JPA providers have been tested like for example Oracle TopLink Essentials.
Reverspring is a Java library that allows you to create Spring IoC XML files from POJO at runtime.
CoI stands for Control of Inversion: Reverspring just inverts the inversion of control mechanism of Spring Framework, allowing you to (re)write Spring descriptors starting from your Java objects. With Reverspring you can write process descriptors on XML files without re-inventing a new DTD or XML-Schema, but just using the well known Spring IoC syntax.
Welcome to JaValid
JaValid is an open source framework for validating your Java business objects. JaValid is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. JaValid 1.1-rc1 is the latest release.
JaValid is an annotation-based validation framework, which allows you to annotate your Java objects to introduce validation. JaValid can be used in any type of Java application (standalone application, web application etc). The framework currently provides full integration with the Spring Framework, Java Server Faces, Facelets, and any database. The framework can be extended easily, by means of extensions, and allows you to add your own validation constraints in addition to the ones shipping with the framework.
The framework is documented well (both the source and the general documentation), so check it out. To learn more, have a look on the documentation page.
The source and distributions are hosted on sourceforge, go to the downloads directly here. You may also want to check out the weblog, which contains some useful information, including several examples.
Have fun using JaValid!
Oranjestad Spring is a series of helper classes and extensions for use with the Spring Framework. The current extensions are as follows:
* Spring Lightweight plugins
* External Beans
* Listener Based Dependency Injerction
Spring Crypto Utils aims to provide a wrapper around Java's native cryptography API so that configuration of key stores, public and private keys, signers, message digesters, symmetric and asymmetric cipherers can be easily done via the Spring context configuration.