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    Apache ESME (Enterprise Social Messaging Environment) is a secure and highly scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources of information. You can hardly turn a web page these days without seeing a story that describes how people are using social networks, whether it is Twitter, Facebook or some other service to develop and build their personal communities. When solving problems, how useful might it be if a user was able to tap into the collective knowledge of her peers or surrounding groups of people with whom she might naturally network in the workplace setting? How much quicker and with greater precision might she be able to solve daily problems? What if there was a communications mechanism that takes the best of what services like Twitter offers and co-mingled that with readily recognizable business processes? That solution is Apache ESME.
    13 years ago by @gresch

    SNMP4J - The Object Oriented SNMP API for Java Managers and Agents SNMP4J is an enterprise class free open source and state-of-the-art SNMP implementation for Java™ 2SE 1.4 or later. SNMP4J supports command generation (managers) as well as command responding (agents). Its clean object oriented design is inspired by SNMP++, which is a well-known SNMPv1/v2c/v3 API for C++ (see The SNMP4J Java SNMP API provides the following features: SNMPv3 with MD5 and SHA authentication and DES, 3DES, AES 128, AES 192, and AES 256 privacy. Pluggable Message Processing Models with implementations for MPv1, MPv2c, and MPv3 All PDU types. Pluggable transport mappings. UDP, TCP, and TLS are supported out-of-the-box. Pluggable timeout model. Synchronous and asynchronous requests. Command generator as well as command responder support. Free open source with the Apache license model Java™ 1.4.1 or later (1.6 for version 2.0 or later) Logging based on Log4J Row-based efficient asynchronous table retrieval with GETBULK. Multi-threading support. The SNMP4J-Agent pure Java SNMP agent API adds command responder including notification originator and proxy forwarder support to the SNMP4J core API and comes with: Implementations for SNMP-TARGET-MIB, SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB, SNMP-PROXY-MIB, SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB, SNMPv2-MIB, SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB, SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB, SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB, NOTIFICATION_LOG-MIB, and SNMP-MPD-MIB, SNMP4J-PROXY-MIB, SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB, SNMP-TSM-MIB. SNMPv1,v2c,v3 multi-lingual agent support, including MD5 and SHA authentication as well as DES, 3DES and AES(128, 192, 256) privacy. IPv4/IPv6 UDP, TCP, and TLS support. Code generation from MIB specifications is provided through AgenPro 3 which is a language and API independent template based code generator with round-trip generation facilities. The SNMP4J-AgentX pure Java AgentX API adds support for the AgentX 1.0 master and subagent protocol as defined by RFC 2741 and 2742. SNMP4J-AgentX extends SNMP4J-Agent by: Full AgentX 1.0 protocol support, including contexts, shared tables, index allocation, ping PDUs, connection timeout handling, etc. Implementation of the AGENTX-MIB for the master agent. TCP transport mapping for the AgentX protocol. Code generation from MIB specifications is provided through AgenPro 3 which is a language and API independent template based code generator with round-trip generation facilities (see also SNMP4J-Agent). The SNMP4J-AgentJMX pure Java 1.5 API adds support easy descriptive mapping from JMX MBean instrumentation to SNMP scalars, tables, and notifications. New in SNMP4J(-Agent) 2.0: Transport Security Model (TSM) including Transport Layer Security Transport Mapping (TLSTM) as defined by RFC 5343, 5590, 5591, 5953. Java™ SE 1.6 or later, including Generics and System.nanoTime() support.
    13 years ago by @gresch

    Puggle is an open-source desktop search engine written exclusively in Java. It provides full text and metadata search over files, folders, music, photos, web pages and more that are stored locally on your computer.
    13 years ago by @gresch

    Eclipse Icon Archive Tool The Eclipse Icon Archive Tool allows an Eclipse user to browse and export icons from the Eclipse Project. Download the plug-in and place it into the Eclipse plug-in directory. The plug-in and documentation is available on the download page.
    13 years ago by @gresch

    gnizr™ (gə-nīzər) is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify and share information, and to mash-it-up with information about location. It's free.
    13 years ago by @gresch


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