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    For those of you who've got into it you'll know that test driven development is great. It gives you the confidence to change code safe in the knowledge that if something breaks you'll know about it. Except for those bits you don't know how to test. Until now XML has been one of them. Oh sure you can use "<stuff></stuff>".equals("<stuff></stuff>"); but is that really gonna work when some joker decides to output a <stuff/>? -- damned right it's not ;-)
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Abeille Forms Designer is a GUI builder for Java applications. Developers and designers can create complex, professional forms in minutes. Designers can drag and drop components onto a WYSIWYG editor. Full support for undo/redo and copy/paste is provided. Components can be easily customized by adding images or modifying their properties. Advanced fill effects are supported such as textures and gradients. Abeille has intuitive layout rules and is based on the JGoodies FormLayout system ( The FormLayout is a popular, open source layout manager for Java and is used by thousands of developers worldwide. Abeille comes with all the required software. Abeille stores forms in binary files which can be loaded by your application and added to any Swing container. While the designer is licensed under the LGPL, the forms runtime has a BSD license. This allows forms created by the designer to be used freely in commercial applications. * WYSIWYG Editor * 3rd Party Java Bean Support * Swing Based * Borders, Gradients, Textures, Images, and Shadow Effects * Undo/Redo * Intuitive Layout Rules (based on JGoodies Form Layout) * Open source runtime (BSD License) * Code Generation * Supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    When the only thing you've got is a XML Hammer, every solution looks like XML. The XML Hammer application is a free and open-source tool that simplifies elementary XML actions like checking for well-formedness, validation, transformation and xpath searches using any JAXP implementation. After all these years of XML, it is still relatively difficult to simply validate or transform XML files. You are currently either forced to use extensive, sometimes expensive, and most often difficult to use tools with a lot of extra functionality unnecessary for these simple tasks and very often not flexible enough to provide what you want, or you will have to be almost a programmer and create your own application or script to handle these elementary XML related tasks. The XML Hammer tool addresses these issues by providing a free and open-source tool that has a (relatively) simple to use user-interface however still allowing the flexibility for the user to specify anything that he/she would have been able to specify when writing a script for this same task him/herself. The functionality of the XML Hammer tool is based on the capabilities provided by the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and supports the JAXP API as fully as possible. To achieve this, the functionality has been divided into five specific project types:
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Acceleo is the most powerful code generator tool of its generation. It has been designed to improve software development productivity. Acceleo brings to everyone the MDA approach applied to development industrialization
    18 years ago by @gresch


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