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    SCPSolver should enable a Java developer to use Linear Programming in less than 10 minutes. Most solvers for linear programs are implemented in C/C++ for performance reasons. Java developers can use JNI interfaces for some solvers. However most interfaces are pretty difficult to setup, and lock the developer in to a specific solver. SCPSolver was developed to overcome those issues. The library has the following features: easy to deploy on Linux, Mac Os X and Windows with prebuilt linear programming libraries (almost dependency-free) plugin-concept: write model, use different solvers to solve it currently supported solvers: GLPK lpsolve CPLEX (solver pack must be built by script by user) low learning curve: very simple, no-frills API other features: implementation of sparse matrices and graphs, debugger for linear programs, prebuilt models for common optimization problems like set cover, ...
    14 years ago by @gresch
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