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    ServiceFixture is a fixture library built on top of FIT/FitNesse which enables FitNesse to be the integration test and software collaboration platform for service oriented and distributed systems. These systems usually expose stateless services, such as web service (SOAP or REST), ejb and POJO etc, to its internal or external clients, and complex domain objects are always involved in the service interfaces. It is difficult to leverage FitNesse for these systems due to the fact that it is not trivial to represent complex domain objects in FIT test table, and hence it would require constant fixture development efforts to support the integration test. ServiceFixture is designed to fill this gap. ServiceFixture uses expression language to represent domain objects, verify and display the response in FIT test table. Every ServiceFixture test is basically a method invocation to a stateless service. The test starts with setting up the input data, then invoking the service operation, and then checking the response. Because the ServiceFixture is very generic, to setup ServiceFixture and FitNesse for a project, you only need to write a ServiceFixture extension to encapsulate the invocation logic once, which is pretty trivial. No more fixture development is needed after that. It also provides template creator integrated with FitNesse to make tester's life a lot easier too. ServiceFixture also provides database service fixtures(SelectFixture and UpdateFixture) which can be used to access databases directly from FitNesse test scripts. See Tutorial for more details.
    15 years ago by @gresch
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