The Eclipse Persistence Services Project (EclipseLink) project's goal is to provide a complete persistence framework that is both comprehensive and universal. It will run in any Java environment and read and write objects to virtually any type of data source, including relational databases, XML, or EIS systems. EclipseLink will focus on providing leading edge support, including advanced feature extensions, for the dominant persistence standards for each target data source; Java Persistence API (JPA) for relational databases, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) for XML, J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) for EIS and other types of legacy systems, and Service Data Objects (SDO).
What is Ebean?
Ebean is a Object Relational Mapping Persistence Layer written in Java (Open Source LGPL license).
* Providing the features of EJB3's JPA (and more)
* No container required
* JPA compatible ORM mapping (@Entity, @OneToMany, ...)
Why use Ebean?
Ebean provides a simpler approach to Object Relational Mapping. It does this by not requiring session objects such as JPA EntityManager, JDO PersistenceManager, Hibernate Session, Toplink ClientSession.