Berlin wird leiser: aktiv gegen Verkehrslärm. - Die Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin will ihre Bürger an der Erarbeitung des Lärmaktionsplans beteiligen. Alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger können mitteilen, wo es ihnen in Berlin zu laut ist und welche Maßnahmen Abhilfe schaffen könnten. Auf dieser Basis erarbeitet die Stadt Maßnahmen, wie Berlin leiser werden kann.
With the Web serving as a huge worldwide data repository, issues related to data semantics (familiar to database modelers since the 1970s) have again become of paramount importance. As Web data comes from heterogeneous, possibly ...
Free Downloads and Links - ODBMS.ORG was created to serve faculty and students at educational and research institutions as well as OO software developers in the open source community or at commercial companies.
Appunta is a Framework for the Android platform that allows us not only to easily show geopositional information to the user, but also to create new ways of showing this information or modifying the existing ones.
Basically, you have a set of POI (Points Of Interest) located in a map (thus, with a latitude, longitude, and optionally, an altitude), and you need to show these POI and their related information to the user.
Appunta allows you, out of the box, to represent this information in two different ways, a radar or an augmented reality view. But, you can modify these components to show data in other ways or create new ways of visualizing this information.
Appunta is Open Source and anybody can freely use it. So, what are you waiting for?