# Week 1: Introduction
* Tu
The "field"
Questioning everything sacred
* Th
The big picture
Dimensions along which approaches vary
Kinds of linguistic knowledge
Overview of connectionist models
# Week 2: Words -- Phonology, Morphology: A Symbolic Approach
* Readings: Gazdar and Mellish, ch. 2; Antworth
* Tu
Phonology and morphology: linguistic introduction
Two-level phonology/morphology (updated 9/12)
# Week 3: Words -- Phonology, Morphology: Connectionist Approaches
* Readings: Gasser, Regier
* Tu
Two-level phonology/morphology: recognition
Acquisition of morphology
* Th
Project ideas
Reduplication: A challenge to morphology models
# Week 4: Words -- Lexical Semantics: Symbolic and Connectionist Approaches
* Tu
Lexical semantics
Mel'chuk's approach to lexical relations (Ari)
Tour of LETRS (Main Library)
# Week 5: Words -- Lexical Semantics: Statistical Approaches; Speech
* Readings: Schütze, Allen (Appendix C)
* Tu
Grounding word meaning
Schütze (Doug)
Word-sense disambiguation
* Th
# Week 6: Phrases and Sentences -- Context-Free Grammars, Augmented Grammars
* Reading: Gazdar and Mellish, ch. 4
* Tu
Syntax and semantics 1
* Th
Grammars 1
# Week 7: Phrases and Sentences -- Syntax and Semantics, Compositionality
* Tu
Grammars 2
More problems with simple context-free grammars (Yes, this is an old slide from C564.)
Introduction to information-based grammars
* Th
What HPSG grammars look like (1)
# Week 8: Phrases and Sentences -- Unification Grammars
* Tu
What HPSG grammars look like (2)
* Th
Unification revisited
Parsing 1
# Week 9: Phrases and Sentences -- Connectionist Syntax and Semantics
* Readings: Pollack, Elman
* Tu
Another HPSG example
The problem of structure in connectionist nets
* Th
Connectionist approaches to structure
Pollack (Jeff)
# Week 10: Phrases and Sentences: Connectionist Structure (cont.), Parsing
* Tu
Elman (Andy)
More on connectionist structure
* Th
Some parsing issues
# Week 11: Phrases and Sentences -- Parsing and Generation; Spreading-Activation Approaches
* Readings: Lange and Wharton
* Tu
Chart parsing
* Th
Some approaches to sentence generation
Lange and Wharton (Jim)
# Week 12: Machine Translation, Statistical Approaches Again, Discourses -- Symbolic Approaches
* Readings: Hutchins and Somers, Allen (ch. 7)
* Tu
Localist connectionist networks
Statistical approaches to syntax
* Th
Machine translation: Hutchins and Somers (Michael)
# Week 13: Discourses -- Symbolic Approaches
* Tu
Machine translation (cont.)
Pragmatics (overview)
Speech acts 1
Speech acts 2
# Week 14: Discourses -- Symbolic and Connectionist Approaches
* Reading: St. John
* Tu
Progress report on project due
St. John (Wendy)
Using world knowledge
* Th
Discourse structure
Mélange of last-minute topics: metaphor, metonymy, humor, deception (none of which I have a good account of)
# Week 15: Language Acquisition Revisited
* Tu
Comparison and analogy; mental spaces
* Th
Language acquisition
Parting thoughts
Final exam
# Week 16
* Mo (23:59:59)
Exams due (electronically)
* Tu (5:00-7:00pm)
Reports on projects
Project reports due