The purpose is to offer some scanning tips and to explain the basics for photos and documents. It is about the fundamentals of digital images, about the basics to help you get the most from your scanner. How it works, for those that want to know.
This page provides references for Stanford University Libraries Digital Production Group staff members performing imaging and Image QC auditing. This page is freely shared with vendors and partner institutions.
The Digital Registry is a directory listing of U.S. Government publication digitization efforts. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive listing of all these digitization efforts. Included in the listings are: An overview of the project. The institution(s) and partners involved in the digitization. The scope of the digitization project (e.g., by volume, year, Congress, administration, geographic region). The status of the project (planning phase, in-progress, completed). Technical specifications of the digitization output (e.g., file format, metadata schema). Whether a digitization project is seeking collaborative assistance. A link to the publicly-accessible digitized content.