BEK, Bergen Center for Electronic Arts, is a non-profit organization situated in Bergen, Norway, which main aim is to be a national resource centre for work within the field of arts and new technology. BEK works with both artistic and scientific research and development and puts into practice an amount of mixed artistic projects. It also practices an educational program that includes courses, workshops, talks and presentations. BEK runs its own server and hosts several mailing lists and web pages for cultural organizations, artists and artistic projects.
Founded in 1986, the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) is Canada’s official national association for electroacoustics and as such is dedicated to promoting this progressive art form in its broadest definition: from acousmatic and computer music to soundscape and sonic art to hardware hacking and beyond.
This site gives details of The Ambisonics Association and its work. The Association was created in April 2008, with the general aim of promoting ambisonics. Its initial work is concentrated in the (fairly technical) areas of the creation and promotion of collective marks ('trademarks'), standards (e.g. for file formats) and other necessary infrastructure for ambisonics.
Cosm is an integrated collection of extensions to Max/MSP/Jitter to assist the construction of navigable, sonified, complex virtual worlds, and has been designed to facilitate use in CAVE-like environments.
the home of the Electroacoustic Music Studios in the Music Department at the University of Birmingham, and of BEAST–Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre–the Department's large scale multichannel loudspeaker presentation system.
Norwegian Center for Technology in Music and the Arts - a project where the goal is to make a collection of impulse responses from various acoustic spaces in the Oslo region.
salford acoustics program homepage Acoustic engineering, broadcast engineering (mobile, TV, IPTV, film), music & sound technology, animation & web design is our passion. We are leaders in teaching and research in audio and acoustic engineering, video and television.