"a large and sprawling collection of photographs of cultural or humanized landscapes. The images are arranged geographically and are narratively sequenced and captioned to reflect the interests of a geographer."
useful for teachers making clips to analyze in class; "personalize any video with your story. With visual spotlights, you can narrate your personal videos, add captions or subtitles, or comment on any scene."
attractive web site with art and essays by artist who lives in New York and produces independent art projects involving gift economies and social architectures
how to create hotspots with popup notes on Flickr. Very useful for image analysis and assignment requiring students to comment on social aspects or formal aspects of image; or to formally critique them.
Firefox extension offers an addictive way to search via categories or keywords or happenstance; you train it, with thumbs up or down on sites, so it learns your tastes; I prefer searches on keywords so far, and have had little desire to "network"
collection of images from people who photographed themselves in reflective surfaces; since this is a favorite tactics of lovers of light, many images are well composed and intriguing
artist and teacher's web site; under "digital storytelling" are wonderful quicktime movies, often from South America or in Latino USA, with subtitles; an exemplar of documentaries on the Internet