This is a brief list of recommendations for authors of scientific papers who make their work available online. It focuses in particular on producing high-quality PDF files with LaTeX and covers some other technical and typographic pitfalls.
isi2bibtex is a translator which allows translation of downloaded ISI Web of Knowledge literature entries. This page is the catalog entry of the "Comprehensive TeX Archive Network".
Imagine a library that collected all the world's information about all the world's books and made it available for everyone to view and update. We're building that library.
Freescience allows any researcher to share his scientific papers (as well as notes, data and designs draws, ecc...) into a P2P OAI-PMH compliant network, by mean of which your works will be instantly available to hundred of thousands researchers worldwide. You can also browse the huge OAI archive (about 1 million documents from the best research institutes) and download their full text for free.