Q: I was compiling kernel using GNU Screen utility but something happened during the compilation and I want to see full error's output but I can't just scrollback using Ctrl+PageUp. How to scrollback in GNU Screen? A: In GNU Screen press Ctrl + a + [ to enter Copy Mode, then scroll up/down using keys j or k. Below are some other navigation keys:
How many of you have had that sinking feeling as your PC boots up? You know, a slight niggle in the back of your mind that says this is taking longer than
Linux: Große Dateien finden: Da ich oft unter Platzmangel auf meiner Platte leide wollte ich mal alle großen Dateien finden und gegebenenfalls löschen. Der Befehlls -lahS $(find / -type f -size +10000k)findet alle Dateien die größer...