"tagging eliminates the decision - (choosing the right category), and takes away the analysis-paralysis stage (...) it provides immediate self and social feedback (...) it taps into an existing cognitive process without adding add much cognitive cost"
"Tagging works because it strikes a balance between the individual and social. It serves the individual motive of remembering, and forms a ad-hoc social groups around it."
"Could the order of tags be a general solution for hierarchical tagging? It would be similar to relations between words within sentences or to the order of folders in a directory and without enforcing a structure."
DiskWarrior is the most highly decorated Mac disk repair utility ever. It repairs disks that no other program can repair. New hardware monitoring helps protect your data from drive malfunctions.
The emergence of free software and the phenomenal asuccess of its flagships--the GNU/Linux operating system, the Apache web server, Perl, sendmail, BINF--and many other projects should force us to take a second look at the dominant paradigm we hold about
"controlled vocabularies often miss out on input from content authors and become rigid (...); folksonomies will begin to break down for the reasons mentioned above. Treating them as major parts of a single metada ecology might expose a useful symbiosis"
"In folksonomies (...) we get to discover content based on who is tagging it. This is powerful because now we can judge content in terms of who (...), and not just how relevant it might be to some algorithm that doesn’t take into account who-knows-who."
"If I get my friends to use Flickr, it gets better for me and for them. (...) Latest things matter. There are lots of interesting slices that can be taken. Slice by user, time, tags, location, relationship to other tags, "interestingness"."
Chickenfoot is a tool that puts a programming environment in Firefox so you can write scripts to manipulate web pages and automate web browsing. In Chickenfoot, scripts are written in a superset of Javascript that includes special functions specific to we
L. Heller, R. The, and S. Bartling. Opening Science: The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing, Springer, Heidelberg and New York, (2014)
A. Genest, and L. Heller. Kooperation versus Eigenprofil? 31. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung der ASpB e.V., Sektion 5 im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband, 25. bis 28. September 2007 in der Technischen Universität Berlin, page 137--146. Karlsruhe, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken, Universitaetsverlag Karlsruhe, (2009)
I. Blümel, S. Dietze, L. Heller, R. Jäschke, and M. Mehlberg. (2014)12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, \CRIS\ 2014Managing data intensive science – The role of Research Information Systems in realising the digital agenda.