The digital platform observatory is a joint initiative of ETUC, IRES and ASTREES, funded by the European Commission. It brings together trade unionists, experts, activists, specialists of workers representation and collective action in the platform economy.
The workings of industrial relations are constantly evolving. In this blog piece, Eurofound authors Christian Welz and Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras discuss a tool that Eurofound has developed to enable this process of change to be monitored and analysed, enabling stakeholders in Member States to assess the functioning of industrial relations within their country and to compare it with others.
Economia & Lavoro è la rivista quadrimestrale di politica economica, sociologia e relazioni industriali della Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, pubblicata da Carocci editore. Nasce nel 1967 per volontà di Giacomo Brodolini come strumento di dibattito tra le forze politiche, sociali, culturali ed economiche accomunate dal perseguimento degli obiettivi di progresso democratico e di riforma.
The 17th ILERA World Congress: The Changing World of Work: Implications for Labour and Employment Relations and Social Protection To be held the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa and hosted by Industrial Relations Association of South Africa (IRASA)
La Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, créée en novembre 1989, est une publication périodique. Elle offre une analyse socio-économique de la conjoncture internationale et des dossiers thématiques.
Social dialogue is under great strain throughout the EU because of the economic crisis, with Eastern Europe particularly hard hit, says a report presented by the European Commission yesterday (11 April).
European Commission - Press Release - European Commission MEMO Brussels, 11 April 2013 (see IP/13/321) What is "social dialogue"? In general, "social dialogue" refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). It can take place at all levels (company, sectoral, regional, national, European) and either
The on-going economic crisis poses a serious challenge to the dialogue between workers' and employers' representatives and governments according to a report published by the European Commission.
Global Labour Journal, is an open access, fully peer reviewed online journal launched in January 2010. It serves as a forum to capture the plentiful and diverse scholarly work emerging on labour activities worldwide and highlight the ways that labour activities are increasingly shaped by global forces. We accept submissions from a wide variety of disciplines.
Transfer: European Review of Labour Research is a quarterly peer reviewed journal which stimulates dialogue between the European trade union movement and the academic and research community. Transfer helps to foster understanding of significant developments in the field of European trade union policy and industrial relations. Transfer contributes research findings of practical relevance to the trade unions.
The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) was established in 1966 and its general purpose is to promote the study of labour and employment relations throughout the world in the relevant academic disciplines.
In this year’s November session, the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association – the supervisory body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) that examines cases concerning employers’ and trade unions’ rights to organize, collective bargaining and social dialogue – examined an extensive deficit of social dialogue in austerity measures taken in Greece and highlighted the need for ILO assistance in the country.
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference - IREC 2013. Labour relations still in crisis: bargaining, politics, institutions, and labour relations in Europe (Deadline for proposals of papers: 28.12.2012)
Le - "Le Canard enchaîné" rapporte que le géant de l'ameublement aurait fait appel aux services d'une société de sécurité pour se renseigner sur le profil de certains salariés ou clients. Une plainte doit être déposée au nom de salariés.
Le - "Le Canard enchaîné" rapportait, mercredi 29 février, que le géant de l'ameublement avait fait appel aux services d'une société de sécurité pour se renseigner sur le profil de certains salariés ou clients.
Together with its three Belgian affiliates (CSC, FGTB and CGSLB), the ETUC launched a collective complaint in 2009 before the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, against the practice of judicial intervention into the exercise of the right to strike.
Workers' participation at board level in the European Company (SE). SEEurope produces a mix of country reports and articles on specific topics in this context. The information on the website will be regularly updated and expanded.