The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending
So viel Einheit war selten: Politiker, Blogger und Unternehmer bemühen das Feindbild Google. Der Deutsche Journalistenverband etwa fordert Gesetze gegen den Konzern und Gratis-Angebote - und stellt dabei das Web in Frage. Angstmache ist kein Ersatz für Analyse, findet Konrad Lischka.
Before the year 2014, there were many people using Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Today, there are still many people using services from those three tech giants (respectively, GOOG, FB, AMZN). However, the underlying dynamics of power on the Web have drastically changed, and those three companies are at the center of a fundamental transformation of the Web.