The codebase contains a replica of the AlphaZero methodology, built in Python and Keras. Gain a deeper understanding of how AlphaZero works and adapt the code to plug in new games.
I’m taking a break from my discussion on asyncio in Python to talk about something that has been on my mind recently: the speed of Python. For those who don’t know, I am somewhat of a Python fanboy…
Update on December 8, 2015. An updated version of this post is available at Python Is Not C: Take Two . I have been using Python a lot lately, for various data science projects. Python is known for its ease of use. Someone with coding experience can use it effectively in few days. This sounds good but there may be an issue if you program in Python as you would in another language, say C. Let me give an example based on my own experience. I have a strong background with imperative languages like C and C++. I also have substantial experience with oldies but goodies like Lisp and Prolog. I also used...
In the previous post on Support Vector Machines (SVM), we looked at the mathematical details of the algorithm. In this post, I will be discussing the practical implementations of SVM for classification as well as regression. I will be using the iris dataset as an example for the classification problem, and a randomly generated data as an example for the regression problem.
Learning machine learning and deep learning is difficult for newbies. As well as deep learning libraries are difficult to understand. I am creating a repository on Github(cheatsheets-ai) with cheat…
While machine learning has a rich history dating back to 1959, the field is evolving at an unprecedented rate. In a recent article, I discussed why the broader artificial intelligence field is…