KU 4.5.2011 Pakistanin tärkeimpiin kuuluva sotakoulu, Kakulin sotilasakatemia, sijaitsee vain 800 metrin päässä Osama bin Ladenin piilopaikaksi osoittautuneesta talosta. WikiLeaksin sähkeistä käy ilmi, että Yhdysvaltain sotilaskouluttajat olivat lokakuuss
Gareth Porter, Asia Times 5 May 2011. The OIC is a moderate, Saudi-based organization representing all Islamic countries. A trial of Bin Laden by judges from OIC member countries might have dealt a more serious blow to al-Qaeda's Islamic credentials than
Nearly everything you know about the death of Osama bin Laden is wrong. That’s the claim being made by Pultizer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh.
Bin Laden wasn’t hiding in Pakistan, according to Hersh; he was imprisoned there by Pakistani intelligence. And US officials didn’t exactly track bin Laden to that location; they learned about it when a former Pakistani intelligence officer told the CIA the full story, in exchange for a share of the $25 million reward.
This essay is excerpted from the first chapter of Patrick Cockburn’s new book, The Jihadis Return: ISIS and the New Sunni Uprising, with special thanks to his publisher, OR Books. The first section is a new introduction written for TomDispatch "The Underrated Saudi Connection " (underrubrik) "The “war on terror” has failed because it did not target the jihadi movement as a whole and, above all, was not aimed at Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the two countries that fostered jihadism as a creed and a movement. The U.S. did not do so because these countries were important American allies whom it did not want to offend. Saudi Arabia is an enormous market for American arms, and the Saudis have cultivated, and on occasion purchased, influential members of the American political establishment. Pakistan is a nuclear power with a population of 180 million and a military with close links to the Pentagon."
Sibel Edmonds. "Her story shows just how much the West was infiltrated by foreign states seeking nuclear secrets. It illustrates how western government officials turned a blind eye to, or were even helping, countries such as Pakistan acquire bomb technolo