Jasmine Owens. The link between colonialism, exploitation, and nuclear weapons is seen most clearly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "Eighty percent of the uranium used in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs originated from the Shinkolobwe mine in the Belgian Congo, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the Congo was the number one supplier of uranium to the U.S., and the people of the DRC paid a heavy price."
La Cgil analizza le difficoltà di aziende e settori. “I numeri – dice il segretario confederale Gesmundo – confutano chi confonde la propaganda con la realtà”
Giornata di approfondimento a Roma, organizzata da Fiom Cgil e Fondazione Di Vittorio. Partecipano Francesco Sinopoli, Francesca Re David e Michele De Palma
AI är inte en neutral teknologi. Humanekologen Alf Hornborg förklarar att modern teknik i allmänhet handlar om att några människor gör andra till tjänare.
Klassekampen, artikel om nyliberal reformpolitik i UKraina. Zelenskyjs regjering svekker arbeidsrettighetene i Ukraina, mener venstreprofil Vitaliy Dudin.
November 2020 In their World Economic Forum treatise Covid-19: The Great Reset, economists Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret bring us the voice of would-be Global Governance.
"The future is shaped by investment choices. Not by naughty speech, not even by elections, but by investment choices. For the people to regain power, they must reassert their command over how and for what purposes capital is invested. " (Diana J.)
UN study: Automation stands to reduce opportunities for low-wage workers in North America, the report from the UN Conference on Trade and Development states. But the types of jobs most likely to be eliminated entirely are more prevalent in developing nations. That’s because those same jobs, in sectors like farming and manufacturing, have already mostly dried up in wealthier nations as corporations have moved their operations abroad, in search of higher profits through lower wage costs.
"The study, conducted by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI), finds that from 2000 to 2014, American workers’ total productivity increased 21.6 percent, while the median worker’s compensation, including pay and benefits, rose just 1.8 percent.
The new data continue a trend that goes back decades. From 1973 to 2014, "American worker productivity increased 72.2 percent while median worker compensation rose just 8.7 percent. From 1948 to 1973, by contrast, typical worker compensation and productivity grew at roughly the same rate.
"Den nya tekniken är ett framsteg för mänskligheten. Den hämmas, förvrids och vänds emot oss eftersom den tjänar något annat, ackumulationen av kapital. "
"Den 9 februari samlades de rödgröna samarbetspartiernas arbetsgrupper för ett gemensamt möte på Bommersvik. Grupperna kommer att arbeta fram till våren 2010 med att ta fram förslag som ska ligga till grund för en gemensam regeringsplattform. "
Per Wirt´en: "De kulturpolitiska stödsystem, som länge fungerat väl, är nu så urholkade att de förvandlas från reell ekonomisk trygghet till symbolisk uppmuntran. Samma sak sker med arvoden. Bonniers försöker i nya kontrakt pressa författare till mycket l