According to Mexican press accounts, the deadly swine-flu outbreak now spreading into the U.S. is linked to large-scale hog operations in Mexico run by industrial-meat giant Smithfield Foods.
"People seem to be missing the real issue in the CRU emails. Gavin over at realclimate keeps distracting people by saying the issue is the scientists being nasty to each other, and what Trenberth said, and the Nature “trick”, and the like. Those are side
Paths To Knowledge (dot NET): "The 16 January 2010 issue of New Scientist is really interesting as New Scientist admit that they published “non peer reviewed speculations” as if it was science (rather than soothsaying) and that those speculations were tre
Useat kansainvälisen ilmastopaneelin IPCC:n esittämät todisteet ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksista ekosysteemiin ovat joko virheellisiä, subjektiivisia tai olemattomaan aineistoon perustuvia. Yhteinen piirre monissa huomioiduissa tutkimuksissa on lämpötilati
Verkkari - Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston verkkolehti. Ilmatieteen laitoksen kirjasto suljettiin 1.5.2009. Kirjaston aineistot siirretään Kumpulan tiedekirjastoon ja Varastokirjastoon. "Ilmatieteen laitoksen kirjasto ja Merentutkimuslaitoksen kirjasto toi
"HAARP is investigating an atmospheric layer of charged particles known as the “ionosphere.” These charged particles impact long-range communications and space operations. HAARP’s goal is to understand this impact and help improve long-range communication
This post argues that what we should do about climate change is not a scientific-technical question but is essentially an ethical question and the failure to frame it as such has been responsible, at least in part, for a thirty-year delay in taking action
Ilmatieteen laitos on ilmakehä- ja meriosaamisen edelläkävijä maailmassa. Sen huippututkimukseen perustuvat tuotteet ja palvelut auttavat suomalaista yhteiskuntaa sopeutumaan sään ja ilmaston muutoksiin. Ilmatieteen laitoksen tietotaito ja teknologinen os
Jan. 11, 2011: Scientists using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have detected beams of antimatter produced above thunderstorms on Earth, a phenomenon never seen before. Scientists think the antimatter particles were formed inside thunderstorms in