Enl. Wyplosz fokuserar EU-ledrana i alltför hög grad på att gardera sig mot moral hazard ( moralisk risk: utsikten att en part som är isolerad från risk kan bete sig annorlunda än hur den skulle bete sig om parten var fullt utsatt för risk) gm att förstärka stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten. Nationalekonomerna har inte kunnat enas om en diagnos på krisen. Stabiltetapakt och/eller nytt EU-fördrag räcker inte för att lösa problemet. EU-ländernas sammanlagda skuld uppgår till 9000 miljarder euro. Stabilitetsfonden skulle kunna hosta upp 200 mrd, IMF ytterligare 200 mrd. Enast ECB kan kapitalisera bankerna. Alternativ till ett nytt EU-fördrag: "budgetdisciplinärt råd" och ECB:s regler för säkerheter (collaterals): "The proposal is for some European authority (the Commission? Or some other body?) to take over fiscal policy in a country that runs afoul of the Stability and Growth Pact. The idea that a country loses fiscal policy sovereignty is inspired by IMF programmes. " "The ECB has the authority to decide what collateral it accepts and it could decide to only accept treasury bonds issued by governments that exercise fiscal discipline. "
By Nick Dearden of Jubilee Debt Campaign: "The International Monetary Fund and World Bank lent money to dozens of countries which would otherwise have defaulted, in order to keep the debt repayments flowing back to the banks of the rich world who had created the crisis by their own reckless strategies. Then, those countries, which benefited not at all from these ‘bail-out’ funds, were told to implement structural adjustment policies which saw industry privatised, money freed from government control and markets ripped open to competition with well-subsidised companies from the US and Europe. Poverty boomed, inequality soared and finance was proclaimed king. The same logic lies barely concealed behind the Greece ’bail-out’ being agreed by European finance ministers today. There is not even a pretence that Greece’s people will benefit from these funds.
Jönsson, Dan: Ingenmansland (Leopard) , recenserad av Morris Wikström "...om varje inköp vi gör på ett eller annat sätt tvingar oss djupare in i konsumtionsekonomins ekorrhjul finns det åtminstone en dröm om att en bra fastighetsaffär ska rädda oss ur det. Men det är långt ifrån säkert att drömmen slår in."
Mike Whitney, Counterpunch 11-13 Oct: "Absent a debt ceiling deal, the repurchase market–known as repo–would undergo another deep-freeze as it did in 2008 when Lehman Brothers defaulted..." "...The same tragedy will play out again, if congress fails lift the ceiling and reinforce the present value of US debt." "Repo is at the heart of the shadow banking system, that opaque off-balance sheet underworld where maturity transformation and other risky banking activities take place beyond the watchful eye of government regulators." "Keep in mind, the US government does not have to default on its debt to trigger a panic in the credit markets. Changing expectations can easily produce the same result... when people start to doubt that US Treasuries will be liquid cash equivalents in the future" "This is what the Fidelity flap is all about. It’s about the erosion of confidence in US debt."
JAK Vi måste ta tillbaka makten över våra pengar – och därigenom våra liv!!! Det har tagit så lång tid för oss människor att förstå och genomskåda vad exponentiell tillväxt faktiskt är…men tack och lov börjar insikten sprida sig snabbt nu