The EU Council formalised its position on the European digital identity at the Telecom Council meeting on Tuesday (6 December).
The European digital identity is intended to create a public version of digital wallets in each member state that can be used to identify, authenticate or verify certain aspects such as age in any other EU country.
These wallets will take the form of apps for smartphones. In the digital sphere, the EU’s ambition is to compete with the identification systems currently offered by Big Tech companies like Amazon, Google and Facebook.
“We are looking at a massive advancement in how people use their identity and credentials in everyday contact with both public and private entities, and in how they use digital services,” said Ivan Bartos, Czech Deputy Prime minister for digitalisation.
Screpanti, Department of Political Economy and Statistics, University of Siena. This is a modified version of the Preface to the book (in Greek): C. Lapavitsas, T. Mariolis and K. Gavrielidis, “Economic Policy for the Recovery of Greece” Athens: Livanis, 2018.
P. Nikiforos Diamandouros on to the public hearing on the Revision of Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to documents, European Parliament - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels, 2 June
(Hughes-menettely) - ulko- ja turvallisuusasiain sekä puolustuspolitiikan valiokunta - A4-0005/1999. Taistaa: " Parlamentin puhemies ilmoitti 13. heinäkuuta 1995 pidetyssä istunnossa lähettäneensä Elisabeth Rehnin työjärjestyksen 45 artiklan mukaisesti kä
7 June: "To recapitulate... Three decisions have now put € 580 billion of EU citizens’ money on the line (almost the size of the GDP of the Netherlands), plus half as much promised by the IMF. Monumental decisions are taken between governments of the Euro
Juni 2008. "Lissabonfördragets påverkan på EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik och den europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken var huvudfrågan i två betänkanden som Europaparlamentet antog idag. Europaparlamentet efterlyser en större parlame
31.3.2010. "Kommissionen har utarbetat närmare regler ... antalet underskrifter från ett land [ska] stå i proportion till landets folkmängd – 4 500 underskrifter för de minsta länderna och 72 000 för Tyskland...När 300 000 underskrifter från minst tre län
1. I Socialdemokratiska tidskriften Tiden 1/2002 skriver Anders Ehnmark om vänsterpartiets kongress. Citerar Carlo Cattaneo (1801–69), den lombardiske filosof som på 1840-talet talade för Europas Förenta Stater: ” Libertà è repubblica; e repubblica è plu
The proposed financial transaction tax should be better designed to capture more traders and make evasion unprofitable, said the European Parliament in its opinion adopted on Wednesday. The opinion also says the tax should go ahead even if only some Member States opt for it. The tax rates proposed by the Commission (0.1% for shares and bonds and 0.01% for derivatives) are considered suitable and pension funds should be the only sector exempted from the tax