An article from El Pais 15 May, 2011, by Torreblanca. This is a usual diatribe of the mainstream. No original ideas, no authentic federalism. The author would like to see the EU as a strong military bloc. No mention of WMD (probably the author would suppo
By CARL BILDT and RADEK SIKORSKI Published: February 1, 2010 The actual numbers are obviously closely held secrets. A recent report by the International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament indicates that the United States possesses appr
Duff i FT , 30 jan. 2008: "MEPs stress the need for good collaboration between themselves and national parliamentarians in the scrutiny of EU foreign, security and defence policy. Indeed, the Lisbon treaty expressly requires there to be a special interpar
Few people know that the European member states taken as a whole is one of the biggest arms exporters in the world. On the international stage Europe likes to present itself as a continent that stands for democracy and peace, but this façade does not correspond to reality.
Did you know that the EU wants to allocate more than 40 billion euros to the research, development and procurement of new arms? That the arms industry is trying to hijack the European Defence policy? Read all about it on this page.
The shocking fact at a time of austerity is that EU military expenditure totalled €194 billion in 2010, equivalent to the annual deficits of Greece, Italy and Spain combined. "Despite the clear evidence of the cost of high military spending, military leaders continue to push a distorted and preposterous notion that European Union’s defence cuts threaten the security of Europe’s nations. NATO’s secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen “has used every occasion to cajole alliance members into investing and collaborating more in defense.” "
David Cronin (IPS 19.6.2010) "Some 1.6 billion euros (2 billion dollars) has been allocated to the EU's "Clean Sky" project, which aims to develop aircraft engines that emit half as much carbon dioxide as those now in use. With the funding being divided b
Defence Ministers from 14 NATO Allies* and Finland came together in Brussels on Thursday (13 October 2022) to sign a Letter of Intent for the development of a “European Sky Shield Initiative”. Spearheaded by Germany, the initiative aims to create a European air and missile defence system through the common acquisition of air defence equipment and missiles by European nations. This will strengthen NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence.
An der Verlässlichkeit der USA als NATO-Partner bestehen seit einer Trump-Rede große Zweifel. SPD-Europakandidatin Barley hat deshalb EU-eigene Atombomben ins Spiel gebracht. Brandgefährlich sei das, kritisiert ein Parteigenosse.
Duff i FT , 30 jan. 2008: "MEPs stress the need for good collaboration between themselves and national parliamentarians in the scrutiny of EU foreign, security and defence policy. Indeed, the Lisbon treaty expressly requires there to be a special interparliamentary conference between European and national foreign affairs and defence committees. On these matters, the House of Commons remains completely silent. The European Parliament also suggests that on the coming into force of the new treaty the Assembly of the Western European Union (WEU) should be closed down."
Nicolas Gros-Verheyde : "La situation en Centrafrique montre les limites d’une politique de défense européenne qui reste sujette aux priorités des États membres et à leurs contraintes budgétaires. Si l’Union européenne a une réponse humanitaire, politique et financière rapide et efficace, la situation est largement plus contrastée, en matière militaire. L’UE n’a jamais réussi à mettre en œuvre la force de réaction rapide de 2000 hommes qui est pourtant opérationnelle depuis 2007. Chaque État en assurant, à tour de rôle, la permanence."
"We can reasonably expect an accord confirmed by the states and the manufacturer," Teisseire said by phone. "We are in the negotiation on the details to reach something stable." ... "EADS and the seven governments that ordered the four-propeller Airbus pl
European Defense Agency. Network-enabled capabilities – the use of information technology to link all actors in an operation together so that information can be reliably shared. Malgorazata Alterman
(Own report) -Germany and France are seeking greater “European sovereignty” and aim to “strengthen the EU as a geopolitical actor,” according to a Franco-German declaration published yesterday in Paris on the occasion of the ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty. The declaration provides military support for Ukraine “for as long as it takes,” announces new armament projects, and a Franco-German exercise in the “Indo-Pacific.” This is also due to Germany's severe setbacks in its rivalry with the Unites States, including its growing military dependence and the threat of its deindustrialization due to the exodus of production sites to the USA. According to the French publicist Emmanuel Todd, the current global power struggle – “the third world war has begun” – is also “about Germany.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz anticipates the emergence of a “multipolar world,” in which Germany and the EU are to assume leading roles as strong military powers.
EUROMIL is the umbrella organisation of 43 national military associations and trade unions. Originally founded in 1972, the Organisation includes 28 countries from the Russian Federation in the East to Ireland in the West, and from Finland in the North to Cyprus in the South; EUROMIL is a truly European organisation.
(Hughes-menettely) - ulko- ja turvallisuusasiain sekä puolustuspolitiikan valiokunta - A4-0005/1999. Taistaa: " Parlamentin puhemies ilmoitti 13. heinäkuuta 1995 pidetyssä istunnossa lähettäneensä Elisabeth Rehnin työjärjestyksen 45 artiklan mukaisesti kä
"Sarkozy's comments, at a summit with Medvedev, were the strongest to date by an American ally against the missile-defense plans — and undercut the rationale behind U.S. President George W. Bush's European security strategy."
Danmark är medlem av Nato, men deltar inte i EU:s försvarssamarbete eftersom det är omfattat av ett av Danmarks undantag i EU-samarbetet. Partierna som står bakom försvarsavtalet är dessutom eniga om att vilja ta bort detta undantag. Danmark deltar idag inte i EU:s militära operationer, varken med pengar eller resurser och har inte rösträtt i Ministerrådet gällande försvarspolitiken på grund av detta undantag. Om undantaget ska bort måste det dock först till en folkomröstning. Detta ska ske den 1 juni 2022.
Pre-planned logistical routes could help stave off a potential Russian attack
How US troops could be sent to front line in European ground war with Russia
In the event of a Russian invasion of Nato, US troops would be shipped to the port of Rotterdam before being transported eastward.
But arrangements are also being made behind the scenes to expand the routes to other ports to ensure the ground line of communications cannot be severed by Moscow’s forces.
Juni 2008. "Lissabonfördragets påverkan på EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik och den europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken var huvudfrågan i två betänkanden som Europaparlamentet antog idag. Europaparlamentet efterlyser en större parlame
Vuodenvaihteessa julkistettu EU:n vuoden 2010 asevientiraportti on puutteellinen eikä anna luotettavaa kuvaa unionimaiden toteutuneesta aseviennistä, sanovat 13 eurooppalaista kansalaisjärjestöä yhteisessä julkilausumassaan vetoomuksessaan. Suomalaisjärjestöistä mukana ovat Rauhanliitto ja Sadankomitea. Järjestöjen mukaan asevientiraportti ei kerro, kuinka paljon aseita ja sotilastarvikkeita EU:sta vietiin, sillä kaikki jäsenmaat eivät ole raportoineet unionille toteutunutta asevientiään. Unionin suurimpiin sotilastarvikkeiden viejiin lukeutuvat Saksa ja Britannia ovat merkittävimmät puutteellisesti raportoineet maat. Järjestöt kritisoivat samalla sitä, että tärkeä ja laaja raportti julkistettiin viime vuoden viimeisenä työpäivänä. Julkistamisesta ei myöskään kerrottu neuvoston eikä parlamentin verkkosivuilla.
The passerelle clause as defined in Article 48 of the Treaty on European Union applies to all European policies with the exception of defence and decisions with military implications.