Kovalik, The Wire 2022: The advances announced by the US Department of Energy can better be described as “micron-stones” rather than milestones, and that too on a path that might never lead to economical electricity generation.
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021 If the case that SARS2 originated in a lab is so substantial, why isn’t this more widely known? As is now obvious, there are many people who have reason not to talk about it.
"To my knowledge, no major newspaper or television network has yet provided readers with an in-depth news story of the lab escape scenario, such as the one you have just read, although some have run brief editorials or opinion pieces."
25 gånger har vi varit en hårsmån från kärnvapenkrig. Varje gång till följd av missförstånd eller tekniska haverier. Hur länge kan turen hålla i sig? ...
Å se, tenke og handle: Det er viktig hvis vi som borgere ikke vil bli ofre for en mediedekning som bommer på to måter. Å se, tenke og handle: Det er hva som betyr noe når vi som borgere vil forstå hva som virkelig skjer rundt oss i den politiske utviklingen. Dette sier Alexander Unzicker,…
Maa on litteä kuin pannukakku, ihminen ei ole koskaan käynyt Kuussa, ja World Trade Center purettiin räjähteiden avulla. Salaliittoteoreetikot esittävät mitä kummallisimpia väitteitä – mutta tiede kumoaa väitteet yhden toisensa jälkeen.
tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2018 teksti Esben Schouboe
According to Adobe, after about 20 minutes of listening to a voice, users can make the voice say whatever they want just by typing it out. Comedian and director Jordan Peele hosted the event and Adobe tech Zeyu Jin demoed the process by editing an interview with Peele’s comedic partner Keegan-Michael Key. Jin took existing audio of Key, then used the software to make him talk about making out with Peele instead of his wife.
According to Mexican press accounts, the deadly swine-flu outbreak now spreading into the U.S. is linked to large-scale hog operations in Mexico run by industrial-meat giant Smithfield Foods.
Just before the two World Trade Centre skyscrapers crashed to the ground on September 11, 2001, a series of huge blasts were heard in the buildings. And a leading scientist says they could have been the sound of molten aircraft metal reacting with water f
By Monique Sené, physicist, Honorary Research Director at the CNRS, member of the Higher Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Safety, and President of the GSIEN Raymond Sené, physicist, GSIEN member Dominique Leglu, physicist, editor-in-chief of Sciences et Avenir
Scientists reject Harper gov't claims vital material is being saved digitally. By Andrew Nikiforuk, 23 Dec 2013, TheTyee.ca "Scientists say the closure of some of the world's finest fishery, ocean and environmental libraries by the Harper government has been so chaotic that irreplaceable collections of intellectual capital built by Canadian taxpayers for future generations has been lost forever."
According to Mexican press accounts, the deadly swine-flu outbreak now spreading into the U.S. is linked to large-scale hog operations in Mexico run by industrial-meat giant Smithfield Foods.