The Hindu, February 19, 2014 "Donna Busche’s complaints are part of a string of whistleblower and other claims related to the design and safety of an unfinished waste treatment plant at Hanford, created by the U.S. federal government in the 1940s as part of the top-secret project to build the atomic bomb. Today, it is the nation’s most contaminated nuclear site, where cleanup costs about $2 billion each year. " "A one-of-a-kind plant is being built to convert the waste into glasslike logs for permanent disposal underground, but it has faced numerous technical problems, delays and cost increases."
The continued division of Cyprus suits Britain’s geopolitical interests, as well as those of world powers that see the Mediterranean island as a useful pawn in a longstanding game of chess. Darren Loucaides reports from a country that wants to determine its own future.
In the spirit of a new year and a new Congress, 2019 may well be our best and last opportunity to steer our ship of state away from the twin planetary perils of environmental chaos and militarism, charting a course towards an earth-affirming 21st century. | By Medea Benjamin, Alice Slater
Bill Joy [quoted from Wired 8.04]: "A bomb is blown up only once - but one bot can become many, and quickly get out of control." --. " Uncontrolled self-replication in these newer technologies runs [...]a risk of substantial damage in the physical world.
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Turkey have US nuclear weapons situated on their soil, the WikiLeaks whistleblower files have revealed. "In a confidential memo from US ambassador to Germany Philip Murphy, he casually mentions the possible withdrawal of the weapons from Germany and perhaps from the Netherlands and Belgium as well"
Sam Jones, The Guardian, 26 Oct 2010. "Christian Whiton says whistleblowing website presents serious challenge to national security after leak of Iraq war logs"
Pollin: "... the Pentagon, part of their industrial policy has been this brilliantly executed plan of having activities in every single congressional district in the country. So every single congressional district in the country benefits from the $700 billion military budget. If we're spending $700 billion, Paul, on the military, we cannot help but create millions of jobs. How could it be otherwise? When you spend that level of money, you're going to create a whole lot of jobs. And I would say roughly 6 million jobs in the economy are tied directly to the Pentagon spending."
Pacifists ought to enter more deeply into the aesthetical and ethical point of view of their opponents. Do that first in any controversy, says J. J. Chapman, then move the point, and your opponent will follow. So long as antimilitarists propose no substit
The Independent Experts’ Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women’s Role in Peace-Building (Progress of the World’s Women 2002, Vol. 1) (Assessment, 2002) - Resources - UNIFEM. Elisabeth Rehn, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
SIPRI continues that, “In addition to its direct impact of high military expenditure, there are also indirect and more long-term effects. According to one study taking these factors into account, the overall past and future costs until year 2016 to the US
Suomessa voi tulevaisuudessa liikkua amerikkalaisia sotilaita - muutenkin kuin harjoituksissa. Suomi neuvottelee historiallisesta puolustussopimuksesta Yhdysvaltain kanssa. Suomen suurimman vientialan eli teknologiateollisuuden näkymät ovat painuneet synkiksi. Puolustusvälinevalmistus kuitenkin kasvaa. Ukrainalaiset ovat ylittäneet Dneprjoen - Kiovassa ihmiset vannovat kovaa taistelutahtoa. Ecuadorissa on murhattu presidenttiehdokas - maahan on julistettu hätätila. Tapaamme myös taiteilija Kustaa Saksin, joka saa suuriin tekstiiliteoksiinsa inspiraatioita muun muassa migreenikohtauksistaan.
"Toimitusjohtaja Tatu Ylönen yrittää vetää tietoturvayhtiö Tectian pörssistä ja palata yrittäjäksi. Hän tahtoo luoda uutta ilman pörssin tiukkoja sääntöjä. Ylönen haluaa käyttää kykyjään esimerkiksi puolustusvälineisiin, joilla voitaisiin torjua kyberhyökkäys. Hänestä kynnys iskeä tietoverkkoihin on selvästi alempi kuin kynnys pudottaa pommeja."