"GPT-3 is the latest and greatest in the AI world, achieving state-of-the-art in a range of tasks. Its main breakthrough is eliminating the need for task-specific fine-tuning. In terms of size, the model drastically scales up once again, reaching 175 billion parameters, or 116x the size of its predecessor."
In 2017, researchers asked: Could AI write most code by 2040? OpenAI’s GPT-3, now in use by beta testers, can already code in any language. Machine-dominated coding is almost at our doorstep. GPT-3…
HISTORY OWKIN was co-founded in 2016 by Thomas Clozel, MD, a clinical research doctor and former assistant professor in clinical hematology and Gilles Wain
Forskarens handbok för öppen forskning
Handboken baserar sig på Avoimen tieteen ja tutkimuksen käsikirja som producerats inom det finska undervisnings- och kulturministeriets Initiativ för öppen forskning och vetenskap. Den ursprungliga handboken, liksom denna översatta och reviderade version (även tillgänglig som pdf), publiceras med Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licens. Översättning av Jessica Parland-von Essen. Den finska förlagan finns att läsa på adressen http://avointiede.fi/www-kasikirja.
Data collections include sociological surveys, election studies, longitudinal studies, opinion polls, and census data. Among the materials are international and European data such as the European Social Survey, the Eurobarometers, and the International So
"Welcome to the petermr blog! This is one of a series of blogs from scientists in the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at Cambridge. I’ll indicate some of the others on my blogroll. For now, just note that there is another blog specifically dedic
TED Talk July 2010. (362,593 Views) Plants behave in some oddly intelligent ways: fighting predators, maximizing food opportunities ... But can we think of them as actually having a form of intelligence of their own? Italian botanist Stefano Mancuso presents intriguing evidence. Stefano Mancuso is a founder of the study of plant neurobiology, which explores signaling and communication at all levels of biological organization, from genetics to molecules, cells and ecological communities.
En artikel av Leonardo Vintiñi, i Epoch Times 12 oktober 2008 om Cleve Backsters experiment med växter och lögndetektorer i början av 1960-talet och prof Ian Baldwins uppföljande forskning . "Forskare runt om i världen fortsätter att komma med bevis för att växter är mycket mer än de primitiva och passiva varelser som vi en gång trodde. En sådan forskare är Ian Baldwin från institutionen för molekylär ekologi på Max Planck-institutet i Tyskland. Baldwin hävdar att växter inte bara kan avge kemiska substanser för att försvara sig själva mot rovinsekter, utan att de också faktiskt kan kommunicera sinsemellan genom en komplex vokabulär av nukleinsyror."
Ett exempel från Vroniplag. Exemplet handlar om avhandlingen "Harmonisierung des europäischen Rüstungsmarktes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Art. 296 EGV und Art. 17 EUV"
GigaOm 6 Aug 2012: Mendeley Institutional Edition, announced on Monday, is a new data dashboard that takes all of the activity on the site and presents it to universities as a way of gaining deeper insights into what their researchers are doing.
GigaOm 22 Aug 2012: "Co-founder and CEO Victor Henning told me that the company’s API, which offers other services access to its trove of millions of scientific documents, has just surpassed 100 million calls each month. A year after launching the service — which provides access to the information stored in around 65 million scientific papers, documents and files in Mendeley’s databases — the site has around 240 apps that employ it, and is now seeing growth rocket. And that growth, he said, comes through the increasing popularity of those apps, not through any new, specific effort on its own part."